Hybrid Performance

You drive a gas sippin' hybrid vehicle.

But… what if your gas sipper turned into a gas guzzler? You'd find yourself checking gas prices at the pump more than you'd like.

It can happen. Just like all other vehicles, hybrid performance drops without proper maintenance.


  • Poor fuel efficiency
  • Loss of power
  • Slow response
  • Excessive smoke


  • Removes deposits from valves and combustion chambers
  • Cleans stubborn oil deposits
  • Cleans micro passageways in today's gasoline engines
  • Improves spark plug life


  • Ensures your MPG stays right where it should be
  • Reliable engine performance
  • Keeps your hybrid running better, longer
  • Reduces emissions which means a smaller footprint for your eco-friendly ride

The BG Hybrid Performance Service is backed by the Lifetime BG Protection Plan® if the initial service is performed within 100,000 miles (160,000 km).

What is covered?
Engine: Pistons and rings, wrist pins and bushings, rods and rod bearings, camshafts and bearings, pushrods, intake valves and guides (grinding adjustments excluded), turbo bearings, crankshaft and bearings, cylinder liners or bores, valve lifters, timing chains (stretched timing chains are excluded) (timing belts and damage to engine parts due to broken timing belts excluded), rocker arms and pivots, oil pump, timing gears or sprockets, distributor drive gear.
Fuel: oxygen sensors, PCV, MAF sensor (only if BG 407 is used), injectors (deposit-related malfunctions only).

To maintain coverage, get a BG Hybrid Performance Service every 10,000 miles (16,000 km)!

Ask about complimentary roadside assistance when you purchase a BG service at participating shops.